Devotion: Our P scripture was Psalm 147:1. To praise the Lord means to adore Him, to thank Him, to worship Him, to exalt Him, to recognize that He is our King.  We read the devotions, Prickly Porcupines, Patient Penguins and Smart Pigs. Prickly Porcupines taught us to be kind, Patient Penguins taught us about the Godly character trait patience and Smart Pigs taught us how wrong it is to judge others. Did you hear about how smart pigs are or how patient penguins are? Ask them! We are also learning the Lords prayer!

Books We Read: My Little P Book, The Planets, Press Here, The Pig’s Picnic, and If I were A Penguin. 

Science: We learned about some animals that live in the arctic habitat. The two we mostly talked about begin with the letter P, Polar Bears and Penguins. They have a thick layer of fat under their fur that help keep them warm in the freezing cold temperatures. I made a “blubber glove” out of Crisco so that they could feel how warm a layer of fat would keep arctic animals. They slipped their hand inside the glove and stuck it in ice cold water.  The other hand went in the ice cold water as well………..we all agreed fat or blubber would definitely help keep them warm!!! See picture of a few below trying it out. Did you know that Polar Bears have black skin? They have a layer of fur on top, then a layer of hollow tubular shaped hair, which allows the sun to go through to keep them warm…, huh? The children also learned a little about planets.  We learned that the planets revolve around the sun and watched a super fun teaching video about the planets in our solar system.

Math: We counted by 1’s, 5’s and 10’s up to 100. We talked about a penny and it’s worth. I have begun to introduce coins to them and we will begin sorting and counting them soon.

HWT: A big line and a small curve make the letter P. We used the HWT manipulatives to help us learn how to form the letter P, and also practiced writing it. We highlighted the upper case and lower case P in a poem.

Drawing: The children drew four things that start with the letter P, they drew everything from Penguins to Pigs!

Thank you so much for sending them in their pajamas today, they loved it!

Important Dates To Remember:

2/14 Valentines Day Class Party ONLY. We will have a treat and share valentines with our class ( there are 14 in all). Please send in a valentine signed by your child but NOT ADDRESSED to their classmates. This helps with passing them out to each child tremendously!