Hello Parents!
We have had such a terrific first 2 weeks of school! Before I begin my personal post, I would like to give you an overview of September’s curriculum:

THEME: God created the Heavens, the Earth and Me!
The children learn that they are the BEST thing that God created and that they are all different and special in their own way.

BIBLE VERSE: “God saw all that He had made and thought that it was very good.” Genesis 1:31

NUMBERS & LETTERS: 1, 2, L, F and E

COLOR & SHAPE: Yellow and circles

I am SO excited to be able to be able to communicate with each of you through the LCLC Blog Page. When I taught a the 4’s a few years ago this was not even on the radar! What a great way to reach out to you all and to share stories, experiences and photographs. That said, we had a great first couple weeks of school. Despite tropical storm Florence and a few tears here and there, every single child settled in beautifully! I love their personalities!!! All so different and so varied in SO many ways. We spent the first week simply getting used to the idea of “school”. The children have begun to learn our classroom rules (red and green choices) and routines, met new friends, learned new prayers and have simply had FUN!
Week 2 was filled with learning to line up to a special song we sing, to walk in straight lines, sit at circle time and answer the” question of the day”. I wish you could all be a fly on the wall each and every day to see and hear the sweetest of comments and thoughts that come from each child. I could write a book! I am looking forward to an amazing year filled with love, learning and laughter! Please enjoy the pictures and don’t be surprised if I randomly send you a text with a picture of your child. I love to take pictures and my blog would be overwhelming if I posted them all. Thank you for allowing Jess and I to have the privilege of teaching your precious children!  Love, Ms. Kim and Ms. Jess