We’ve had a great three weeks in chapel. We have walked through the story of Moses – how he was born and adopted into the family of a king and raised as royalty in a palace. When Moses grew up God called him to do a very special job. He wanted Moses to lead his people out of the land of Egypt where they were being held captive and take them into the land God had promised them. Moses was afraid and did not believe he could do this, but God assured him he would be with him every step of the way. He even sent Moses’ brother, Aaron to help him. One scene the kids really liked was when God spoke to Moses and gave him specific instructions as to how to do this. He told him to take off his sandals that he was standing on holy ground. We learned that holy ground was where God was present. As Moses went back and forth to King Pharaoh, the mean king, he continued to refuse to let God’s people go. Many years passed by before Moses finally got the people out of Egypt, and we saw where God separated the Red Sea and made a pathway for his people to cross over. Right on their heels were the Egyptians and as they tried to capture God’s people, but the sea closed up before they could and the Egyptians drowned. God sent a cloud to guide Moses and his people during the day and fire at night. Even though God’s people were safely out of Egypt, they did not have grateful hearts. They complained and grumbled and whined. We talked about how God probably got tired of hearing this, but he took care of them anyway. He sent food called manna from the heavens and water came out of a rock and they had plenty to eat and drink. At the end of our story we saw where Moses went up on a mountain and he and God had a talk. God gave Moses the 10 Commandments – special rules from him that we still follow today. We talked about a few of them. Honor your father and mother, do not steal, do not lie, do not murder, do not have any other Gods but the one true God, and do not want what someone else has. We focused on the most important one – to love God and to love others! Get them to show you how to make a cross with their body that signifies loving god and loving others. Our bible verse for the month is – Do not forget to do good to others and share with them what you have. Hebrews 13:16. We talked about ways we can share with others what we have especially during Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a week filled with all God’s blessings and a safe and happy holiday.