We have had a great couple of weeks introducing the children to what we do each week during chapel time. We started out with some fun songs like Happy and You Know It, He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands, and This Little Light of Mine along with some very upbeat songs from www.worshiphousekids.com. Hosanna and My God is Number One. The first week we had chapel we talked about how God made this great big world we live in, everything in it from the sun to the animals, and finally people. We learned that the first people made were Adam and Eve and that God made all of us special and different. Then we moved into the garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve lived and saw what happened when they were tempted by Satan, who came to them in the form of a sneaky snake. God had told Adam and Eve that the beautiful garden they lived in was for them to enjoy, but they could not eat the fruit from one special tree. Satan tricked Eve and told her God didn’t really mean that, and that she would be as smart as God if she ate the fruit. She did and also gave some to Adam. They made a wrong choice and God was sad. He still loved them, but there was a consequence to their actions. He made them leave the garden and from then on, life was not so easy for them. We talked about when we make wrong choices and our teachers/parents are sad. We might have a time out or have to sit out on the playground as a consequence, but we are stilled loved by our parents, teachers and God no matter what. We talked the importance of always saying we are sorry when we make the wrong choice. This week we learned about Noah and the great big ark God told him to build. We saw how God kept them safe during the great flood. Noah also took 2 of each type of animal and they were kept safe too. God told Noah to build an ark and he obeyed Him, even though everyone thought he was crazy. People had turned away from God and were disobeying Him and God was using the flood to get rid of them – everyone but Noah, his family, and the animals. After it was all over, Noah thanked God for his protection, as God placed a rainbow in the sky, promising to never destroy the earth with a flood again. We know all about flooding so well here in the Low Country and continue to see the effects of Hurricane Florence that forced to close school earlier this month. I know that we are all still thanking God and praising Him for his protection through this ordeal. We fared very well compared to so many and I pray for God’s provision and comfort to those who lost so much. Our little ones are learning the prayer: God bless the sun, God bless the trees, God bless my friends, and God bless me. Our older students repeat after me during prayer time and we thank God for all his blessings and for loving us so much. Believe it or not our fours and fives will know the Lord’s Prayer by the end of the school year. Our bible verse for the month of September is – God saw all that He had made and thought that it was very good. Genesis 1:31 Ask your children to say the bible verse for you and maybe share a song with you – you might be surprised at how much they’ve learned already! Also ask them what is the best thing God made – I hope they say ME! See pics below of our time together!