Devotion: We read a great devotion about an unseen hero, the earthworm, and how we might not see what they do but that doesn’t make them any less important. Others may not see what we do but God sees all
All About The Letter I
Devotion: We talked about this months bible verse ( The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. Hebrews 13:6) and how we can remember it when we are afraid. They all agreed that the dark is what makes
All About The Letter T
Devotion: I told them the story of George Washington and the Cherry Tree and watched the story on the Smartboard. We talked about the importance of telling the truth and how it is one of God’s commandments. Ask your child to
All About The Letter H
Devotion: We read devotions with animals that begin with the letter H such as Hippos, Horses, and Helpful Honkers (Geese). We learned a little about each animal and how they teach us about God. We also integrate science into the
All About The Letter E
Devotion: We read the book Eggbert, The Slightly Cracked Egg. It is a wonderful story about an egg with a slightly cracked shell who tries to hide who he is by painting himself so that his crack won’t show. He