Devotion: Our B scripture was Matthew 5:9. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. We read devotions this week on Bats, Beavers, and Bears. All three devotions point us to God and His wonderful creation.  The children are learning our bible verse for this month, which is pretty long (Luke 10:27). 

Books We Read: My Little B Book, The Big Hungry Bear,  Pete The Cat and His Groovy Buttons, Somebody and The Three Blairs, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, and Are You a Bumblebee?.

Science: We learned about the three animals from our devotions this week……Bats, Beavers, and Bees. We read a book on Bees that was so interesting and taught so much about how bees live. See if your child remembers why they dance or waggle……it’s pretty cleaver! We even watched them dance on the Smartboard. Did you know that bats have great eye sight, despite the phrase “blind as a bat”? Ask your child if they remember what echolocation means ( remind them that it is something bats use to find food at night). We also learned how beavers build their dams and even got to watch them do it on the Smartboard!

Math: We counted by 1’s up to 76 and 10’s up to 100. They also played a super fun subtraction game while reading Pete The Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons using buttons. They had a lot of fun with it and were excited to know they were doing kindergarten math! They also played math games on the Smartboard this week in centers.

HWT: A big line and two small curves make the letter B. We used the HWT manipulatives to help us learn how to form the letter B, and also practiced writing it. They highlighted the upper case and lower case B in a poem about a butterfly, there were 16 in all!

Drawing: We also drew pictures of things that begin with B. They drew everything from Butterflies to Buttons.

Journal: The children drew a butterfly making sure they had all the parts of an insect. Ask therm to sing the song for you that helps them know all the parts!

We had a very special visitor on Monday! One of our students from last year came into to read to us! She read two adorable books to us, she did an awesome job!

Important Reminders:

2/12 Send in Valentines in so we can organize them and make sure everyone has them!

2/14 Class only Valentines party – bring lunch or send in pizza money if your child wants pizza -dessert provided.

3/7 Muffins With Mom 9:am