What a wonderful first two weeks of November! The weather was still warmer than usual. The mosquitos are all but gone and we have enjoyed some real quality time together as a class outside on our various playgrounds! It has been fun! The class is congealing nicely and are making deeper friendships with each other. They are playing so much more together and it warms my heart to be able to watch them grow with each other socially! The kids just love it!
We also had a class vote for an ice cream party or a cupcake party the day after the “real” voting day (see picture below). It was a blast and very impromptu! The kids even came home wearing “I Voted” stickers on their shirts. :0)
In class, we have been talking about turkeys, Pilgrims and Indians and Thankfulness. The children can tell you the story of the Pilgrims and their journey across the ocean…just ask them! I hope you all liked their crafts this month as they are some of my favorites (besides Christmas)! We have talked a lot about being thankful, what that means and what it looks like. Our favorite “First Thanksgiving” response from them one morning during circle time was;
Me: What was the name of the Indian who helped the Pilgrims when they arrived?
Answer: “Pete”
Me: “What are you thankful for?”
“Mommy and Daddy!”
“My toys”
We just love to sit and talk with them when we can and simply listen to what they have to say (which is a lot honestly)!
We have also been working on “opposites” and what that means, holding our pencils and crayons correctly and of course our letters, numbers, colors, days of the week and months of the year. We are cruising right along and I look forward to finishing out 2018 strong! Please enjoy the pictures below and as always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing these 12 with Jess and I. We love them to the moon and back!
Kim Johnson