Hello School Families! First I would like to welcome Eliza and her family to our class! Eliza is a wonderful addition to our school family and all the kids in our class have made her feel welcome. Reading/Writing/Drawing: We read
Firefighters and Cowboys
We started the month with Firefighters and now we’re having fun pretending to be Cowboys and Cowgirls! The children learned about fire safety and enjoyed practicing “stop, drop and roll”. We explored new textures by playing with play dough, cutting,
Our first unit was farm animals. We painted a pig and a chick. We had a farm table top filled with animals and a tractor. At circle time we used animal magnets to make a chart.
All About The Letter T
Letter F
We had a fantastic week learning about the letter “F”. Our week was all about family, fun, friends, flamingos and frogs. We made a cute frog craft and learned about the life-cycle of a frog. We learned about our Zoo