We had a fantastic week learning about the letter “F”. Our week was all about family, fun, friends, flamingos and frogs. We made a cute frog craft and learned about the life-cycle of a frog. We learned about our Zoo Phonic animal for the letter F which is Francy Fish. The children love doing the motions that go along with our Zoo Phonic letter of the week. I’m sure your child will be happy to tell you all about Francy Fish and the sound she makes.
We did an experiment, Sink or Float. We let the children test several items and asked them whether or not they thought the item would sink or float. The kids love doing experiments! We are working on counting to 100 in preparation for the one hundredth day of school. We will practice counting by 1’s, 5’s and 10’s to 100. The children each have a pocket calendar that we review each morning. We use it in conjunction with the Smart Board calendar to learn about the month, day of the week and the year. Each morning we say our Pledge of Allegiance and our monthly Bible Verse. We read and sang The Five Little Speckled Frogs, Fox in Socks & Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed. We read several books about firetrucks and firefighters in preparation for our upcoming visit from the Awendaw Fire Station . We talked about things we should and shouldn’t do in case we have a fire at home.