We have learned more about Jesus over the past couple of weeks – seen 3 more miracles and how He loved little children and always wanted to be around them – he wanted everyone to believe and have faith like a child. Two of the miracles we saw were children being healed. A father appeared to Jesus begging him to come to his house and pray over his son who was sick. Jesus told him to go home, that his son had been healed. As the man reached the road to his house, a servant ran out telling him his son was well. Another man named Jarius had a daughter who was dying and he asked Jesus to come to his house. This time Jesus went and as he got there, he told the little girl to get up and she did. Jesus healed both of these children – he had the power of God working in Him. We talked again about what miracles are – things that happen and there is no other way to explain why they happened except that Jesus intervened. The third miracle we saw was when Jesus fed the 5000. He was teaching one day and many people were there – lunchtime came and there was no food to eat except for one little boy who had a lunch that he was willing to share. Jesus blessed the food and it was multiplied into enough to feed everyone that was there and there were even leftovers. We learned a new song called God is Big and He Loves Me. It’s fast and has lots of fun motions so we‘re
able to get lots of wiggles out and sing about God’s love for us at the same time. This past week we took a break and watched some fun valentine videos and sang songs. We practiced our bible verse which is all about loving God with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength and loving our neighbor as ourselves. We talked about ways we could show love to God, our family and our friends. Your children are so smart and have lots to share with me each week. Our 4s and 5s are also doing a great job with the Lord’s Prayer – we are treasuring the time we have with them. I can hardly believe it’s almost March. Ask them to share something about chapel with you – and if you’d like to join us one week we’d love to have you. Pastor Nick (our student pastor) and Pastor Dusty (worship pastor) have joined us at chapel a few times in the last month. Nick will be speaking to the kids in a couple of weeks and helping us wrap up our study of Jesus’ miracles.
- All About The Letter R
- Our Weeks With Letters B and R in pictures!