Hello Parents!

God’s takes great joy in art created by those whom He has given  the gift to, wisdom for those who are placed in positions of power and above all else, for all of us to “love Him with all our heart, with all our souls, with all our strength and with all of our minds. But more than ANYTHING, to love our neighbors, family and friends as we love ourselves.” A HUGE concept to impress upon 14 three year olds! We worked even more intentionally over the past two weeks to model that kind of love and that kind of compassion for our friends at school. All in all, they seemed to grasp the concept and run with it. I can’t tell you each how vitally important it is for them to understand this HUGE, yet simple and basic concept as soon as possible in their little lives.

Valentine’s Day with all its pink and redness has come and gone! We downplayed the holiday and had a low key gathering which was sweet….a HUGE thanks to our party mom (and dad) for all their effort and help! Love is what God wants us all to do EVERYDAY of the year, not just on one day in February. The children made you all little tokens of their love and we hope you cherish them because they WERE made from a place of genuine love….a child’s love (doesn’t get any better than that)! We thank you for your sweet cards and treats for us as well. We appreciate your love and support each and every day! Our Bible Verse covered it all “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and with all your mind. And love your neighbor as yourself” Luke 10:27

We have been learning about parts of the body in Spanish class with Miss Sol and had so much fun using shapes to play games and create faces in espanol!

We have been busy working on writing our letters, playing with different manipulatives such as magnets and JUST BEING KIDS!!!

I hope you enjoy the pictures posted below. There are so many sweet ones to choose from! Here are a few…


Ms. Kim