Ms. Dana and myself want to thank each of you for all the wonderful gifts you gave us for Christmas! You all showered us with love! We greatly appreciate your love and kindness! We thank you for sharing your most precious gifts with us each day!
We are off to a great new year learning about the letter S. We had fun learning about stingrays. Did you know that stingrays mouth is on the underside of it’s body but it’s nostrils, eyes and gill strips are on the top. Stingrays can grow up to 6.5 feet long and weigh up to 790 pounds. We made stingrays for our creation book and watched stingrays in their natural habitat on the smart board.
We continue counting to 100 by 1’s, 5’s, and 10’s. We also have introduced subitizing. Subitizing is a way of counting. It is the ability to quickly identify the number of items in a small set without counting. This is a skill they will learn more about in kindergarten.
We learned to sound out and write the letter S. To write the letter S, we start at the top and “skate” a little curve then change direction and “skate” another little curve. The Zoophonic for letter S is: Sammy Snake.
Next week we have early dismissal on Friday January 18th. Car line will start at 11:50.
No school Monday January 21 (MLK Day)
Donuts for Dad on Friday January 25th at 9:00 in our classroom.