Letter “H”. We started our week with a visit from the fire department. The firefighters suited up to show us what they would look like and sound like if they came to help us if we had a fire. We learned things we should do in case of a fire. We should never hide from the firemen they are there to help us. We should have a meeting place outside of our house. We learned the importance of stop, drop and roll. We got to go out and look at all the equipment on their firetrucks. We read The Firetruck , Firefighter Frank and Rescue. We made cute fire-fighter badge necklaces to wear on the day of the visit. We worked in our journals daily and mastered writing the letter “H”. Remind your child to always start their letters from the top. To write the letter “H” from the top you write big line down, hop across big line down and hop to the middle little line across. Our Zoo-phonic for the letter “H” is Honey Horse. We learned facts about horses. Horses can run shortly after they are born, they can sleep standing up or lying down and weigh from 100-200 pounds when they are born. We made horses for our creation book. We continue counting to 100 by 1’s, 5’s and 10’s. We have been working on our cutting skills and learning the proper way to hold our pencils.