Hello Parents! Below I will recap our week with letter C, followed by last week with letter O and Thanksgiving activities…

We got real “C”reative with the letter C! We refer to letter C as “Magic C” because it starts every capital C, O, Q and G. The “Big Curve” aka letter “C” is preparing us for many letters coming up.

Themes: Counting, Creation, Caterpillars and Cats

Reading/Writing/Drawing: We read Clownfish, The Hungry Caterpillar, Caterpillar to Butterfly and AlphaTales: Copycats. We worked very hard at drawing pictures starting with “C”. We drew cars, caterpillars, cupcakes and clouds. The class also illustrated the Creation story and drew what God created on each day in their drawing journals. The Zoophonic for C is Catina Cat says “Cah” -Pretend you are a cat washing your face with your paw, and say the letter sound /c/.

Science/Math: For science we learned many fun facts about cats! We also discussed the life cycle caterpillar to butterfly. We continued to practice counting by 1’s and 10’s.

Last week was “O”utstanding as we learned to write, sound and recognize the Letter O!

Themes: Octopus, Owl, Opposites and Octagon

Reading/Handwriting Without Tears/Drawing: We read: Olive the Octopus’s Day of Juggling, Owl Moon, Owen, Over the River (Thanksgiving) and Off to Plymouth Rock. We learned that to write an “O” we make a “big curve” down and then come back up with another “big curve”. Our biggest challenge with this was remembering to start our “O” from the top and curve towards the  left and around, but by the end of the week we had it down! The Zoophonic for O is Olive the Octopus-Extend each arm outward at your sides, using a waving motion to suggest the tentacles of an octopus, and say the letter sound /o/. (Sustain sound.)

Science/Math: For science this week we learned many fun facts about the Octopus. Our math focus was on opposites, octagon (“oct” means “8”) and counting.

Throughout the month of November, we have been learning the history of the very first Thanksgiving. Ask you child to tell you share this history with you…

And that should catch us up! Have a great fall break and Happy Thanksgiving! We will see you back in school Monday, Nov. 26th!

Joyfully, Ms. Erin

Reminders: Parent Conferences Dec. 3rd