My how time flies!
The second half of April has flown by so fast. All month we have been talking about Jesus both in class and in chapel with Miss. Julie. We talked about Easter and how Jesus died on a cross for us because He loved us so much and wanted us to have a relationship with his father, God. We talked about sin (the things we do that are mean or wrong) and how important it is to try to always do the right things, be nice to everybody and to love God. We ended the week before Easter with the focus solely on Jesus and that He was God’s greatest gift ever! Our Easter party was SO much fun and a big thanks goes out to our party moms for their hard work and preparation. The kiddos had a blast during their egg hunt and had a fabulous lunch! I hope you enjoy the pictures Jess and I took and that you all had a wonderful Easter with your family.
Thank you for sharing your sweet children with us…we love them tons! Blessings!