The past two weeks in chapel we’ve continued with more of Jesus’ miracles – the kids loved the story of Jesus calming the storm. We saw where Jesus was in a boat with his disciples and he fell asleep in the back of the boat. A big storm came up and thunder and lightening crashed around the boat – it rained and rained and the waves were huge, bouncing them all around. The disciples were so afraid and woke Jesus up saying “Wake up, Jesus, save us, save us!” Jesus got up and commanded the wind and the waves to be still. The storm stopped. The wind and the waves obeyed Jesus and and every one was safe. Jesus questioned the faith of his disciples – “didn’t you know I would take care of you,” he said. We talked about faith and what that means – to believe in something or someone – for us,we put our faith in God and Jesus. This past week our Friday chapel classes saw the story of Jesus healing the blind man. A man that could not see told Jesus he wanted to see – Jesus told him to get up and walk and he did. His eyesight was restored. Then we saw where Mary and Martha, Jesus’ friends ran to him when their brother was very ill asking him to heal him – by the time Jesus got to their house, Lazarus had died and been placed in a tomb. Jesus was very sad and went to Lazarus’ tomb – he opened the door and told him to come out. Lazarus rose up and came out – life was put back into his body. Thursday chapel classes had a real treat this past week – I had to be late coming in and Ms. Amy covered for me. Pastor Nick (LHC Youth Pastor) came and talked to the kids – they played a short game and he quizzed them on the miracles we’ve learned about this month. He talked to them about how Jesus could do anything and a life with him was so much easier and better than a life without him. The kids really love Nick and have already asked if he could come back soon – of course, we’d be delighted to have him – I think it’s nice to switch things up from time to time. We continue to sing our favorite songs, learn a few new ones and we will begin learning our March bible – I am the way, the truth, and the life, and no one gets to the Father except through me. John 14:6. Click on the following link and get your child to teach you this song – they really like it.

         Enjoy pics below!