Devotion: Our Z scripture was Luke 19:5. Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house. We read a devotion about Zebras called Safety Stripes, it taught us the importance of team work! We continue
New Life in Jesus
The past two weeks in chapel we continued with the Easter Story. We saw where Jesus died on the cross and talked about why this happened. He came into the world to be our Savior and died to save us
All About The Letter Y
Letter Y Week and Easter!
Letter Y Week: Reading/Writing/Drawing: We read: The Yak Who Yelled Yuck, Yertle the Turtle, God Gave Us You and Jelly Bean and the Unbreakable Egg. We drew 4 pictures of things that start with Y for our drawing journals. The
Letters X
We are almost to the end of our alphabet. We worked on the letter X. We learned to write the letter X by using 2 slanted big lines! The ZooPhonic for the letter X is: x —fox (xavier fox): Crossing