This week was all about the letter P. We read If You Give A Pig A Pancake, The Pout Pout Fish, The Pigs’ Picnic and I Don’t Like Peas. We learned about penguins and planets. Did you know that penguins do not
Blubber and Egg Blog
It is TRULY the “end of January”! We ended the month strong for sure! In pajamas…We continued to learn about animals that live in the cold such as Penguins and Polar Bears and discussed how God created them all perfectly so they could live
Bubbles, Wind and Fun!
January was a busy month filled with snowflakes and snowmen! Our room is decorated beautifully with the children’s art. We also had some fun “painting with bubbles” when we were learning about the letter B. Ms. Sol always keeps the
The Miracles of Jesus
Last week we saw where Jesus called his disciples. There were 12 of them but we focused on Peter, Andrew, James and John. Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee one day and saw these guys – he told