All children entering our twos program must be 24 mos. of age by Sept. 1.  We have 2 classes of twos and group them according to birthday (Younger and Older Twos). It works well for our staff as there are some activities an older two-year-old can do that a younger two is just not ready for. We have 2 teachers in each classroom with a maximum of 12 students. Our twos come to school twos days per week (Tuesday and Thursday) from 9:00-12:30. They also bring a lunch and eat at school.

Our twos program consists of learning to be away from mom, getting comfortable in a new environment/trusting another caregiver, and all about play and socialization with other children. It doesn’t take long each year before our twos are thriving, learning to sit and participate in circle time, enjoying arts and crafts activities, playing together, and learning skills that will prepare them for our three-year-old program. Our twos participate in Music, Fun and Fitness on Tuesdays and Chapel on Thursdays.

Read about our Two's Program Teachers below.

Kim Johnson

Maggie Thompson

Annie Council

Donna Royal