Hello parents! We have had a busy and fun two weeks. Letter D week was awesome! We enjoyed Donuts with Dads and a visit from a Dinosaur! Local Meteorologist Rob Fowler also paid us a visit and taught us all about the weather. The children enjoyed an “all school” chapel with all of their friends and they’re doing a fantastic job learning their Bible verse which teachers them to be “fishers of men”. Winter is our theme and we love snow and snow flakes! Today we are going to paint with shaving cream and glue – and that’s what preschool is all about! Having fun exploring new textures and doing things mom won’t let you do at home. Snow flakes and snow people adorn our classroom and we pray every day for a few real snowflakes. Valentines Day and February are fast approaching. For Valentines Day we will ask the children to bring in 14 Valentines cards for their friends. The children will decorate bags in class and use these as their ‘mailboxes’ when they pass out cards to one another. Our party will be simple – kids only -and we have two moms set to send in decorations and a special treat. Thank you for sharing your sweet kiddos with us – they fill our hearts every day.