Hello Parents,

I can’t believe we are in our last month of school-where did this year go!?! Although we have a lot yet to accomplish and practice for graduation, Janine and I will be treasuring these final days with your children! Below are some great pictures of our past two weeks together…

Letter Z Week:

Reading/Writing/Drawing:  We mastered our final letter-“Z”! We read: Zack the Lazy Zebra, Animal Strike at the Zoo ABC Bible Verses: Zacchaeus and Zack’s Alligator. We learned to write, recognize and sound the letter Z through our HWT and Zoophonics tools. The Zoophonic for Z is zebra (zeke zebra): Place your hands together and lean them against your cheek to suggest Zeke catching a few “z’s” (sleeping). While Signaling, say the letter sound /z/. (Sustain sound.). With HWT, we know to start at the top with a little line across, slant big line down and finish with little line across.

Devotion: Our devotion this week was from the book of Luke 19:1-10. The man in the story is named Zacchaeus. He was a tax collector, which meant that most people disliked him. He was also very small in size, which meant during that time he probably got lost in a crowd. But Jesus didn’t care about either of these things. Jesus wanted to spend time with Zacchaeus, and Zacchaeus was more than happy to become Jesus’ friend. Luke 19:5 “When he reached the place, Jesus looked up and said to him, ‘Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house’.”

Science: Our science this week was the Zebra and we made a craft of the Zebra for our Creation Books. Did you know each zebra has its own unique pattern of stripes just as humans have their own unique pattern of fingerprints? They do and no two sets of stripes—or fingerprints—are exactly the same. Zebras use stripe patterns to help recognize one another.

This week we have preparing for next week when we get to pamper our Moms! Over the next few weeks we will be spending out time learning to write and recognize numbers 1-10 as well as letter reveiw. We will also be working on our end of  year books and practicing for the graduation ceremony.

Important Reminders:

May 3rd Beach field trip 10:00 am. Park where you can and meet in front of the cannons on the path to beach.

May 9th Muffins with Mommy at 9 am

May 22nd End of year party, details TBA

May 23rd Graduation 9:30

Have a joyful weekend!

In Christ,
